CodeLogic application

React code: Change Requests from Github, in Codelogic

React custom built search, with multi-select in CodeLogic.

React development CodeLogic app.
Mobile App Development

Mobile app - Tooling U-SME class player

Mobile app - Tooling U-SME class player

Mobile app - Tooling U-SME class player
Web Development

University of Akron Home page, responsive for mobile devices

Custom built responsive site for Prospective students visiting UA searching for majors offered.

Custom built responsive site for Prospective students visiting UA searching for classes available.
Print collateral advertising

National City bank offer for car loans that gave away gas gift cards when taking out a loan. Photoshop technique.

Brochure cover to promote University Health Systems Laurelwood Hospital pyschological services. Photoshop technique.

The Annual Report, 1999 for Great Lakes Science Center.

Logo design - Village of Lodi Chamber of Commerce

Logo design - Faith based social services.

Icon - The University of Akron Online Learners web application.

Icon design - Quickpass Macintosh application

Icon design - Z-Alert text messaging application

Icon design - Golden Ideas web application